Telenor Myanmar is a part of the Telenor Group , one of the famous telephone operator which is supporting in mobile services for 160 million users in Europe and Asia. Telenor got the telecommunication license in February 2014 and supported the mobile services. It’s an honor to organize the requirements of the Telenor Myanmar as Telenor Myanmar requested DPS Co Ltd. to the following services: arranging the Data Base by putting the site location on GIS Map which they survey for building up the telephone towers, are the most important necessary for Telenor Myanmar , the detail GIS maps and also the population of the whole Myanmar. DPS supported in road direction and Telenor supported in publishing for Yangon Regional Government and the public when Yangon Regional Government changed the bus system from Ma Hta Tha to YBS for the purpose of convenience when the public use YBS. Telenor Myanmar is servicing the requirements of map until now.